First off, the heat in Arizona is unbearable from mid April to October.
Second are the utility bills. When it's 110-120 degrees out your A/C unit is going to be running non-stop for about 5 months. This means that for 5 months your electricity bill will be almost double what it is in the winter. Happily this does not have to be the case.
Thirdly mosquitoes and flies are not only annoying they also carry diseases and bacteria that would otherwise not be a problem.
- Install sun screens or shades over your windows.
- Install a roll-up screen on your back porch.
- Install a patio fan
- Install a misting system
Now lets talk about utility bills. The famously high summer electric bills are the bane of every Arizonian. The best way to reduce your utility bill is by adding an attic fan. The reason for this is that when you have an attic, hot air gets trapped between the top of the roof and your ceiling. With no airflow there is no way to keep fresh air moving through your attic and it just continues to accumulate heat. Add a fan and some vents to the top of your attic and it will cool the attic and reduce how hard your A/C unit will have to work. Also running a fan costs pennies compared to running your A/C system non-stop.
I won't pull any punches here. Installing an attic fan is a hassle, it's time consuming and most people do not have the tools to install it properly. How-ever it is an excellent long term investment that will reduce your bills and increase the value of your home.
Bugs bugging you? Here are some ways to keep down on the bugs around your home.
- Check your backyard for low spots where your sprinkler water could accumulate.
- Make sure all of your sprinklers are functioning properly and not leaking when they are not in use.
- If you have outside pets change their water every day and use smaller water bowls.
- Install a bug zapping system or light citronella candles. You can also find citronella plants at your local hardware store.
- Hang bird feeders and Hummingbird feeders.
There are many different forms of fly control for your backyard, including zappers, sticky tape, and the smelly bags we all love so much. If you're like me you don't like the unsightly hanging tape and the stinky bags are just gross.
Citronella candles work great but they put off an oily heavy smoke that scares away bugs and party guests alike. Bug zappers are great because they are effective, inexpensive(high quality ones start as low as 75.00) and they do not stink up the area they are being used in. Zappers are easy to install with most just needing to be plugged in.
My favorite method of bug control would be to hang bird feeders with a variety of seeds and feeds to bring in a variety of birds. Birds are great for eating flies and mosquitoes and the feeders add beauty and style to your yard. Not to mention the beauty and ambience of having a backyard full of birds.
These are all fixes that are easy to do if you have the tools and the know how. If like many people out there you do not have the time or skill-set to do these jobs then look around for a local handyman. Handymen are a great way to save money and time because a good handyman can come in and do the job from start to finish. From electrical to plumbing and masonry a good handyman can do it all. It is very important to vet your handyman because many are well meaning albeit untalented individuals with no insurance and no references. Handymen like these give you about a 50% chance of getting a good job that is completely finished. In the end they wind up costing you more than a licensed contractor because you will have to find another person to come and fix the mess of the first person.
If you want a handyman that is not only BBB A+ rated but has also won the Angies List Super service award for 2015 then contact Use My Guy Services. We have been in business for 5 years, we have dozens of 5 star reviews on Yelp and Google + and our technicians have over 40 years of combined experience in the field from construction to electric and plumbing. Call us today at (602)316-9187 or to check us out online click here. Our friendly and reliable staff look forward to hearing from you.
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